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В стоимость Диплома входит: Полное заполнение ваших данных, оценочный табель - ( Transcript ),
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The University of Buckingham (UB) is a private research university located in Buckingham, Buckinghamshire,
England, on the banks of the River Great Ouse. It was originally founded as the University College
at Buckingham in 1973 and received its Royal Charter from the Queen in 1983.
The university's funding regime is not like that of other UK universities, but rather is on the model
of many US universities, as it does not receive state funding via HEFCE. It has formal charity status
as a non-profit making institution dedicated to the ends of research and education.
Buckingham offers bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctoral degrees
through five "schools" (or faculties) of study. ow much a copy of fake degree in America.
How to buy a diploma in England.